Translate "long-range missile engine" into Japanese
[Example Sentences:例文]
North Korea 'tests long-range missile engine'
North Korea says it has successfully tested an engine designed for an intercontinental ballistic missile.
The new type of engine would "guarantee" the ability to launch a nuclear strike on the US mainland, the KCNA news agency said.
[Words and Phrases:単語とフレーズ]
North Korea:北朝鮮
test X:Xをテストする
long-range missile engine:長距離ミサイル用エンジン
say X:Xと言う
designed for X:X用に設計された
intercontinental ballistic missile:大陸間弾道ミサイル
new type of X:新しいタイプのX
guarantee X:Xを保証する
the ability to X:Xする能力
launch X:Xを実行する
nuclear strike:核攻撃
the US mainland:米国本土
the KCNA news agency:朝鮮中央通信